We are...

It’s a big ocean out there for writers and you have to be fairly colourful to stand out from the shoal!
You’ve finished your manuscript – what’s next? Many writers make the mistake of sending their work off to Agents and Publishers before it is ready.
To give your work the best possible chance in a highly competitive market, you need to ensure that it looks as professional as it can be and that readers will want to know about it.
Here’s where Brilliant Fish can help!
We understand that writers just want to write so we’re here to work with you through all stages of the publishing process and have developed a range of specifically designed support packages to help you get your work noticed.
Our aim at Brilliant Fish is to use our expertise to provide excellent support for writers entering the world of publication. We are all about jargon-free, professional, warm and brilliant key message communication.
Find out more about how we can support you in our Services section below.
We get you…you get us!
Our aim is to swim with you, turning little fish into big fish – you are brilliant already!

What is your 'product'?
We look at Book specifics and advise & support in areas such as :
- Genre
- Target market
- Proofreading
- Copy editing
- Book cover design
- Routes to self-publishing
- How to negotiate the traditional publishing route
Creating a 12 month plan of action for the publishing of the book through to launch. Plus:
- How to pitch to editors and publishers and what they are looking for
- Preparing for self-publishing
- Images & photography
Covering all forms of promoting your book from social media, press releases, launch event, virtual book tours, blogging. Plus:
- Identifying usp and hooks
- Creating promotional content
- Using video
Become a professional writer by extending the promotion to include speaker engagements, media opportunities, who to approach, how to pitch, how to discover new opportunities and positioning you as an expert
We'll guide you in how to keep going once the book has been published and launched, keeping the interest of readers and extending the life of your book including audio and ebooks.
We are committed to our clients and pride ourselves in providing jargon-free, professional, experienced, wise, warm, honest, real and brilliant key-message communication. By listening carefully to how you want the world to perceive you and your business, charity or not-for-profit organisation, we can translate your vision into effective and meaningful promotional messages.